Speaker Recognition using Matlab
Ø ABSTRACT: · The project recognizes the input data spoken by the speaker by comparing it with the reference data. · It involves having Fast Fourier transform of...
Ø ABSTRACT: · The project recognizes the input data spoken by the speaker by comparing it with the reference data. · It involves having Fast Fourier transform of...
Abstract: § Three switches are put in series § Another three switches are put in parallel § Pressing all the three series switches opens the lock else, LED does not glow § The IC is responsible for the time delay § Pressing any one of the three parallel switches, instantaneously...
AIM: To generate a Pulse Code Modulation using simulink. SOFTWARE REQUIRED: 1.Matlab 2.Simulink BLOCKS REQUIRED: 1. Sine wave generator 2. Pulse generator 3. Product 4. Quantizer 5. Encoder 6. Integer to bit converter 7. Scope BLOCK DIAGRAM for PCM: OUTPUTS OBTAINED: quantized...
%Unit step% n=-99:1:100; u=[zeros(1,100) ones(1,100)]; plot (n,u); stem (n,u); %Ramp% n1=input('enter the limit'); n2=0:n1; stem(n2,n2) %real exponential% n=0:35; a=1.2; k=.2; x=k*a.^+n; stem (n,x); %complex exponential% n=-10:1:10; alpha=-.1+.3j; x=exp(alpha*+n); subplot(2,2,1);stem(n,real(x)) subplot(2,2,2);stem(n,imag(x)) subplot(2,2,1);stem(n,abs(x)) subplot(2,2,1);stem(n,(180/pi)*angle(x)) %sine...
%impulse and step response% sys=tf([1],[1 4 3]); subplot(2,1,1); step(sys); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time in seconds'); subplot(2,1,2); impulse(sys); ylabel('amplitude'); xlabel('time in seconds'); %DFT% x=input('enter the input matrix: '); mul=(-2)*j*pi; xlen=length(x); for k=0:xlen-1 ...
%DFT without using MATLAB function% x=input('Enter the sequence x= '); N=input('Enter the length of the DFT N= '); len=length(x); if N>len x=[x zeros(1,N-len)]; elseif N<len x=x(1:N); end i=sqrt(-1); w=exp(-i*2*pi/N); n=0:(N-1); k=0:(N-1); nk=n'*k; W=w.^nk; X=x*W; disp(X); subplot(211); stem(k,abs(X)); title('Magnitude...
%equiripple FIR filter Fs=1000; Fp=input('Input the pass band frequency Fp= '); Fst=input('Input the stop band frequency Fst= '); Ap=input('Input the pass band attenuation Ap= '); Ast=input('Input the stop band attenuation Ast= '); d=fdesign.lowpass('Fp,Fst,Ap,Ast'); Hd=design(d,'equiripple'); fvt...